
最近solusvm接连爆出高危漏洞,导致暴库等各种危害,目前只能是等待solusvm官方放出补丁,但是有些漏洞是黑客没有公布的,所以… 从最先被干掉的ramnode到知名的chicagovps都相继因为solusvm漏洞让客户感到巨大安全压力,鉴于此种情况,主机猫建议各位:备份当前数据,更换掉solusvm面板,如果你没权限的话可以采取转移到其他非solusvm面板的VPS商家那里去(,比如linode,还有他的对手最近火爆的digitalocean,参考:digitalocean vps-免费送10美元方法(多使用2个月;当然你还可以选择虚拟主机,例如:戳这里)。最后一条:修改密码(网站资料密码,如果你还是通用密码使用者建议你修改邮箱、支付宝、paypal等相关账户密码)

Due to a new exploit that is yet to be made public we have no choice but to shutdown SolusVM. This decision was not made lightly but it is necessary to guarantee the integrity of client and VPS data. If a fix for the exploits is not found within 24 hours we will organise an alternate control panel for our clients.

In the meantime if you need anything done to your VPS please open a support ticket and it will be handled as quickly as possible.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
