BuyVM - 即将为您升级 VPS 至 SSD 存储


We are sending you this email to inform you that your node is currently being migrated to our new SSD platform, your container will appear offline during this process until we can update the panel with your new node location. Actual downtime for individual containers will not exceed 2 minutes unless we are unable to perform your migration online.The following nodes are currently being migrated:


Thank you for your patience as we maintain and improve service for BuyVM.

再说一句:buyvm已经没有了纽约数据中心,现在只有拉斯维加斯和新泽西数据中心了! buyvm的稳定性和他们的ticket的快速及专业我想大家都是认可的,现在升级SSD硬盘了,怎么还不去买个?围观官方网站