宣布:CheapWindowsVPS 现已支持支付宝支付

我也不记得是昨天还是前天了收到了cheapwindowsvps发来的邮件,消息里面说支持支付宝付款了。cheapwindowsvps的windows vps据反映还挺好,但是不方便多次反复折腾系统,我也只是听说而已。大家去围观官方网站把:www.cheapwindowsvps.com

Cheap Windows VPS Now Supports Alipay

In efforts to better serve our clients in China, we’re excited to announce that we’ve decided to start offering you a new way to pay. Alipay is now available for those would like to begin using the popular 3rd party payment service. Alipay is comparable to PayPal and it gives you a safe way of sending funds from China. We value our international business clientele and we’re looking for new ways to continue to innovate our service in efforts to help you achieve your organization’s goals.

Here at Cheap Windows VPS, we strive to provide you with agile solutions. When you purchase a Windows based virtual private server, not only are you getting a powerful VPS at an affordable price, you can be assured that your server is being hosted by a company that understands international business. Our blazing fast 1Gbps uplinks ensure that your organization can have a presence in America and Western Europe.

We ensure that your data moves around the globe quickly and efficiently so you can focus on more important business endeavors such as making sales and scaling rapidly. We strive to understand the needs of our clients. If you need a customized server, help with your VPS or if you have a question about who we are and what we do, feel free to contact us on our Live Chat app or use our Contact Us page to send us your feedback. We’d love to hear from you!


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