SharkTech成功收购Rectified与ChangeIP VPS品牌

今天早上最新的邮件显示:sharktech(鲨鱼机房)宣布正式收购 和 changeip.com的全部业务,业务何时处理完成尚未说明;不过按照sharktech官方产品的销售价格,以后的 和 changeip.com的全部业务涨价可能性是非常高的。所以,有个不成熟的建议:乘着这个间隙,买入rectified.net和changeip.com的VPS产品,然后坐等鲨鱼官方接手运作;这应该是个不错的选择。我还是说明白点,这只是个人的想法,愿意冒险的可以试试! 前任老板给主机猫开了2个独家优惠码,可以享受7折购买:

rectified – 7折优惠码/40G高防VPS/KVM/不限流量/洛杉矶



“rectified怎么样? VPS 测评,KVM,不限流量VPS”


12月8日更新: 收购正式完成,依旧如前面文章里面说的,鲨鱼最终完成了收购业务,虽然有点儿一波三折的意味。





Sharktech Statement on Rectified Networks

Recently we discovered a senior system administra”不可描述” was secretly operating a reseller account. This administra”不可描述” originally described as his wife’s business. Logs were discovered which indisputably indicated that this administra”不可描述” was not only operating the business (rather than his wife) but also allocating his employment shift to his side business. Logs indicate that this has been going on daily for over three years. After reading through the logs, it was also determined that this administra”不可描述” was leveraging his trusted position at Sharktech to act in the interest of his side business, even when doing so directly conflicted with the best interest of Sharktech. We have several years of logs to back this claim. The administra”不可描述” was asked several more times if he was running Rectified Networks, but he denied doing so each time.

When presented with the logs, the senior system administra”不可描述” confessed and asked what course of action Sharktech thought was appropriate. He asked for forgiveness and for continued employment. Due to the long term and close relations Tim has had with the administra”不可描述”, Sharktech offered the administra”不可描述” an option where he could continue working for Sharktech, but Rectified would need to be closed or be turned over to Sharktech, as it is an obvious conflict of interest to own a competing business. The administra”不可描述” originally agreed to transfer the business to Sharktech, an arrangement that included compensation. We have logs to back this claim. Upon granting us access to his billing system, we observed the use of our intellectual property in active use for this business.

A few hours later, the employee changed his mind, deciding to quit Sharktech and cancel the company transfer. At this time, Rectified resources are on hold pending deeper forensic investigation and legal consultations.




We understand your frustration and inconvenience the current outage of services has caused, but it’s due to a dispute between our company and the datacentre where we are hosting all our servers. They have illegaly captured all our servers and are not ready to release them. We are currently working on other options.   We have done a tie up with another datacentre which also has excellent connectivity with China as well world wide globally.   We have even ordered new servers to be able to provide quality and better services again. But you need to allow us few days time before we can all our servers online. We except to have most of our services online by next week.   All our clients will be compensated for the trouble and downtime you had, but we request you to please be a little more patient about it, we are working our level best to resolve this situation.   Also we request our clients to avoid disputing payments with paypal or your bank as it will only make the situation worse for us.





can I ask one question
the was down , what has happened ?

I can’t comment on human resource issues

is there any news about this issues ?

You’d have to ask rectified and hope that they give an honest answer. At this time we’re not commenting.



Currently all our VPS nodes along with our website and helpdesk is down, even our Chicago, Denver, Amsterdam and Los Angeles dedicated servers are down, the reason being our colocation provider decided to take down all our servers without any explanation and even deny to release our hardware.

We are currently working with another provide in LA, USA, with optimised networking to China to setup our new servers, we are currently even ordering our new server hardware, but this whole process is going to take few days, so please kindly have patience, we will be posting more updates soon.

We understand it’s not acceptable for services to stay down for so long, but currently we are helpless and situation is not at all under our control, we may even take legal actions against our Colocation provider, but for now please bear with us for few days.