
作为一款优雅、轻便(不超过100K)的PHP论坛程序,flarum给我们带来了太多的惊喜,但是从2024年beta1开始到现在,跨越了几乎是6年的时间,不少人在没有等到正式版之前就已经放弃了,毕竟没有几个人会将测试版用于生产环境。好消息是flarum官方正式发布消息“the first release candidate”也就是beta16发布了,已经具备了稳定的特性,接下来就是修复和整理了,大家拭目以待吧!


After a 2 month release cycle, we are excited to bring you Flarum beta 16! In addition to being packed full of features, fixes, and other improvements, this is a very special release because it is the first release candidate for Flarum 1.0. Essentially, this means that Beta 16 contains all the essentials needed to be considered stable; from here to the stable release, it’s just fixes, cleanup, and additional improvements. Barring catastrophe, the next release will be the long awaited Flarum stable!