Stablehost VPS 7折优惠,凤凰城数据中心特惠

stablehost我们应该是比较熟悉了,虚拟主机是该家的特色产品,稳定性真对得起他们家的域名,速度上还是很好的,而且售后支持挺不错反映时间快。这次促销上了VPS的7折优惠码:LOVESTABLEHOST,母鸡采用 Xeon E5620 (16 Core)的U,硬盘raid10,1000M端口,solusvm面板,数据中心在凤凰城,哪家你懂的,速度刷刷的…

Basic VPS
– 20 G SAS 硬盘
– 2024 G月流量
– 512 M内存
– 13美元/月  [购买链接]
Stable VPS
– 40 GB SAS Drive Space
– 3000 GB bandwidth
– 1048 MB of Ram

– Starting at $26/month (with 30% off) [ORDER NOW]

Plus VPS
– 60 GB SAS Drive Space
– 5000 GB bandwidth
– 2048 MB of Ram

– Starting at $39/month (with 30% off) [ORDER NOW]