
vps.net的大名我就不说了,这里说说本月的特别促销:本月注册购买vps.net的VPS云,免费获得Auto Scaling,终身免费!不知道什么是Auto Scaling?这里简单说下:自动帮你在负载高峰期扩大资源配置,让你能稳健运行你的网站或者程序。vps.net这里推出这个免费的Auto Scaling,那代表着你不需要付出任何更多的费用即可享受该项服务。 围观官方:www.vps.net

the cloud offers an environment that promises high availability and extreme scalability. Both of these give you higher uptime, and better speeds. In the long run, this means better site visibility, more visi”不可描述”s, and more money in your pocket. The cloud works for new sites, growing sites, and existing sites.

关于Auto Scaling,寡人是通过亚马逊的Auto Scaling得知的,参看这里
