Securedragon-10G 防DDoS攻击,128MB内存,10GB硬盘,100GB流量,年付30美元

securedragon,这家的VPS业务有几年历史了,多大9个数据中心吧,多数是CC机房的。今天的消息是一款低价的防DDOS的VPS。有人会问:128M内存的DDOS保护的VPS能干点啥?简单点儿说:跑个nginx、lighttpd或者其他轻量级的web服务器,还能跑几个PHP的网站,架设个x,自己搭建个DNS或者邮件服务器。这款VPS不允许:Camfrog, Habbo, HYIP, IRC Servers,违规的话是不退款的!官方:


  • 1 Specs
  • 2 特色:


  • 128M内存
  • 128M vSwap
  • 10G硬盘RAID10 S”不可描述”age
  • 100G 流量
  • 100M端口
  • 1 核
  • 1 IPv4
  • OpenVZ
  • Wyvern Control Panel

购买:$2.99/MONTH!  $29.90/YEAR!


  • Up to 10Gbps of DDOS Protection
  • Over 1.5Million Packets Per Second Protection
  • Protects against UDP/SYN/ICMP and MORE
  • Custom ACLs upon request
  • No contracts or overage fees
  • On network filtering (NO TUNNELS!)
  • GRE Enabled (remotely protect another network)
  • Over 100Gbps of protected network capacity
  • Proven to handle over 30Gbps attacks without issue