
专题 - 250vps最新优惠和评测推荐

250VPS - $2.12/GB内存/25GB硬盘/2CPU/5TB流量/Gigabit端口/Phoenix/DDoS Protection

250vps.com,新公司(大家悠着点),自称是agavenetworks.net的子品牌,基于openvz虚拟,机房在凤凰城,G口带宽,20G ddos保护(免费),每个VPS都给5T流量,月付2.5美元起步,硬盘有SSD CACHED。服务器配置:Intel Xeon L5520,64G内存,2 x 4TB WD RE in RAID 1 with Flashcache。目前还有个85折优惠码:WHT15 (全站通用)。 更新:这货挂了! 测速:http://250vps.com/100mb.test $2.50 – 1 GB RAM – 5TB of BGP blended bandwidth – 25GB Redundant SATA S”不可描述”age with SSD Cache – 2 vCPU Buy the $2.50 plan now! $5.00 – 2 GB RAM – 5TB of BGP blended bandwidth – 50GB Redundant SATA S”不可描述”age with SSD Cache &...